Rabu, 16 November 2011


It was not foreign kalu we hear the word "BUKITTINGGI", which surely remember the food that is "Rendang", or the resort "Clock Tower". 

We can enjoy the beauty of the city BUKITTINGGI with more travel less during the 2 hour drive from the center of the western Sumatra city of Padang. 
Many of the sights that we can visit in BUKITTINGGI, such as: 
Clock Tower.

Clock Tower is a landmark and the town of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province inIndonesia. The symbol is also typical of West Sumatra has a unique story and because ofhis age that is tens of years. Clock Tower was built in 1926 by architect Yazin and SutanDental Ameh. Laying the first stone clock is done Rook Maker's first son who was then 6 years old. This clock was a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to Controleur (City Secretary).

Typical symbol of Bukittinggi and West Sumatra has a story and unique in its history. This can be traced from the ornaments on the Clock Tower. In the Dutch colonial period, this clock ornament is round and on it stands a statue of a rooster. But when the Dutchcolonialists defeat and a change in Indonesia to Japan, the top is replaced with a pagoda.Furthermore, when the era of independence, the top of the pagoda-style roof loweredbagonjong replaced traditional Minangkabau house

More about the Clock Tower

 The figures at the Clock Tower many media says is unique. Number four in Roman numerals are usually written with an IV, but at the Clock Tower written by IIII.

At first glance, there may be no rarity in the building is 26 meters tall clock. Moreover, if the observed shape, because the Clock Tower just round shape with a diameter of 80 centimeters, in the basement of the basic prop size 13 x 4 meters, like a monument or a monument. Because of the size of another hour of this habit, it is very suitable as the Clock Tower, which means a big clock.

There is not even a strange thing when I saw the Roman numerals at the Clock Tower. But look more closely at the fourth Roman numerals. Seen something that seems to deviate from the standard. Properly, writing with symbols of the four Roman numerals IV. But at the Clock Tower is actually made into a figure of one who lined up four (IIII). Writing a patron outside the roman numerals is still shrouded in mystery.

But unique, peculiarity in the writing of that number actually make the Clock Tower to be more "challenging" and the evocative question mark every person who (incidentally) to know and pay attention. Even more unique, sometimes the question arises whether this is an old and ancient patron or errors and or or the other.

From a variety of information in the community, the number four strange there as a pointer that defines the number of victims who become casualties of when the construction. Or some are mean, four carpenters making the Clock Tower construction worker dies after hours is completed.

If assessed if there are errors make the number IV, of course there is the possibility of a row of a list of mystery. But at least this seems to be discounted.

Traditional Transportation “BENDI”

bendi , is the name for a horse carriage with two wheels, driven by a coachman.Traditional transport is still maintained by the government and the community around Bukittinggi. This gig will be able to take us around the town of Bukittinggi, low pricesranging Rp.15.000,-  to get around the city of Bukittinggi remind us just like old times past.

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